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Tuesday, November 22, 2011 Siri Alternative Apps for Android – Best Of Siri Alternative Apps for Android – Best Of

Siri Alternative Apps for Android – Best Of

Posted: 22 Nov 2011 02:57 AM PST

The fifth generation of the iPhone, named iPhone 4S, has already been released with its exclusive feature: an awesome voice assistant named “Siri”. If you have not ‘converted’ by now, you’ve probably decided a long time ago that you love your Android phone too much to cross over.

siri alternatives for android Siri Alternative Apps for Android   Best Of

Well, the fact is that if Siri is the edge that the iPhone 4S can give to its fans, Apple will probably need to work harder for the iPhone 5, as there are just too many Siri alternatives for Android, and we’re gonna feature 10 of them in this particular post.

The assistants featured here will be able to voice dial, send text and emails, search information on web, update social media status, manage contacts and reminders, check in with Foursquare, find local shops, etc. Oh, one more thing: 9 of them are even free! So choose your favorite today to make your Android become your best assistant!

More: In case you want your Android to be a more powerful assistant for your design work, check out our collection of 65 useful Android apps for designers!

Vlingo Virtual Assistant

Vlingo Virtual Assistant will complete whatever action you’ve told it to do and it is highly recommended by most Android users. Some even claim that Vlingo is more powerful than Siri in term of usability, capability, accuracy and speed.

As a full-fledged assistant, it can voice dial, get directions, open apps, send text and emails, search the web, find local shops, buy movie tickets and book hotel rooms, update Facebook or Twitter status, check in with foursquare, etc. Pretty much everything you need! (Free)

vlingo Siri Alternative Apps for Android   Best Of

Speaktoit Assistant

Speaktoit Assistant is a brilliant voice assistant for your Android device. It understands (almost) everything you say as voice commands and responds to it accordingly.

The assistant is able to help you to get maps, send email, launch apps, find information and news, look up weather reports, dial, text and email friend from contacts and even connect with various services like Twitter and Facebook. (Free)

speaktoit assistant Siri Alternative Apps for Android   Best Of

Voice Actions

Voice Actions is an awesome app which enables Android users to command their phones via voice commands with Google’s PHENOMENAL Speech Recognition. You can simply start a conversation with Voice Actions by sending voice command and ask any question.

With the voice command, it’s able to play music, launch browser, painting, send text messages and emails, voice dial your contacts, open favorites and recent contacts, set alarms and reminders, search Ebay, Amazon and Wolfram, control Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, volume etc. (Free)

voice actions Siri Alternative Apps for Android   Best Of

EVA Intern

EVA lets you control Android phone with natural language. It’s using text-to-speech technology and voice recognition to turn your phone into a completely hands-free powerful device. The coolest part is – you can activate EVA by just shaking your phone.

Its features include making memos, calls, expense reports, getting basic stock quotes, announcing incoming calls, mapping addresses and locations, posting on Facebook, starting applications, loading web pages or bookmarks, managing contacts, contact groups, lists, calendar, etc. (Free)

eva intern Siri Alternative Apps for Android   Best Of

Edwin, Speech-to-Speech

Edwin is a speech recognition app for Android phone. It requires SpeechSynthesis Data and TTS Extended apps to be installed. The translate function is fun. It’s a must-try Android voice utility.

The assistant is also equipped with solid features like tweeting, SMS, search, date and time management, translation, weather forecast, calls, application launcher, etc. (Free)

edwin Siri Alternative Apps for Android   Best Of

Cyberon Voice Commander (UK)

Cyberon Voice Commander allows communication between people and Android phones through voice. It lets you control phone without even using hands (for Android 2.2 and above) and eyes.

Cyberon Voice Commander allows you to say commands like “call contact“, “digit dial”, “redial” or “callback”, “call history”, “find contact“, “start application“, etc. ($5.99)

cyberon voice commander Siri Alternative Apps for Android   Best Of

Hands-Free Voice Dialer

Hands-Free Voice Dialer is the ideal Siri alternative for virtual voice assistant. You can just speak any command naturally and it will reply with a confirmation before it executes the given command.

This version allows you to make voice commands like “Call Jim Harris at mobile”, “Next song”, “Shuffle play music”, “Find contact for Ed Bly”, “Send a text to Jay Snow”, and “Set my Facebook status”. (Free)

hands free voice dialer Siri Alternative Apps for Android   Best Of


An amazing free voice assistant app for Android with text-to-speech feature. It has a very user-friendly interface to show all the commands you can speak to Android phone.

Features include number dialing, application launcher, service enabler, text-to-speech and acting without key-pressing when only 1 recognition result is available. (Free)

topvoicecontrol Siri Alternative Apps for Android   Best Of

Sonalight Text by Voice

Text by Voice turns your Android phone to a hands-free and eyes-free device through speech recognition. It reads incoming SMS aloud and you can simply reply a text message just by voice. (Free)

text by voice Siri Alternative Apps for Android   Best Of


PhoneVoice is a text-to-speech utility for Android phone which is able to send you notification in voice form for incoming calls and SMS. Useful for people who are driving, on meeting, having important appointment or doing work. (Free)

phonevoice Siri Alternative Apps for Android   Best Of

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