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Wednesday, November 17, 2010 Creating and Running a Profitable Online Magazine, Part II Creating and Running a Profitable Online Magazine, Part II

Creating and Running a Profitable Online Magazine, Part II

Posted: 17 Nov 2010 05:44 AM PST

In part 1 of this series we discussed basic ideas for getting started with building an online magazine. Topics covered included:

  • Choosing a niche,
  • Building a powerful brand,
  • Practicing writing skills and
  • Planning a growth strategy.

Continued now we’ll be going a bit more in-depth into some of the managerial day-to-day activities which you’ll have to perform.

preview Creating and Running a Profitable Online Magazine, Part II

Things may seem fast paced and exciting after the launching but within a few weeks they will start to settle and mundane which may make you question yourself, why do I even got started? This is an inevitable phase of this process. Never lose hope or doubt your abilities. Hold onto the passion for entrepreneurship and push through to build a powerful blog empire!

Write, write, write!

Writing is easily the most important task during the initial few months after launch. The whole purpose of a magazine is to host content which readers will find interesting and this can be difficult when you’re low on content.

article writing pencil Creating and Running a Profitable Online Magazine, Part II

The best way to gain proficiency in any task is by repetition. Practice writing articles just for fun and manipulate your vocabulary and comprehension. Check out similar blogs or magazines with posts related to your content for further ideas and reference. The best part about having drafts saved in storage is the ability to fall back on articles when you encounter lazy days (and trust me, you will).

Writing for 5-10 posts in advance will help you to keep your supply up in case of any unforeseen event. This could be a family emergency, holiday vacation, or just not feeling “in the mood” to write. This is why blog content is so extensible since most publications don’t require a time frame. No work will go stale in the way of writing which is not the case in most industries.

Take Insightful Notes

The best writers in the world are also amazing readers. After all, how will you know what to write if you never read anything? I make it a point in my day to browse through past articles online to sharpen not only my domain of knowledge but also my writing skills.

Many times when you take an hour or two of break time to read, you will encounter new words or phrases which you’ve never seen before. These are small nuggets of wisdom which you can then pass into your own pieces of art.

list notes Creating and Running a Profitable Online Magazine, Part II

If I run into anything particularly useful I’ll be sure to jot it down in my notebook. This is a good habit to adopt since it’s somewhat of a creativity catcher. Any good idea or headline you come up with should be recorded for future use.

Invest Space for Editing

Always hold your works of writing to the highest caliber. The process from developing an idea to write and finally publishing a post is a long journey and shouldn’t be done within 2 hours. Therefore, always take a break to refresh your brain’s activity for further capacity and to improve your performance.You are to be expected to encounter all kinds of hardship once you label yourself as an Editor-in-Chief for your magazine.

Try setting yourself a writing schedule which you can follow everyday. For example, I generally try to write in the early mornings since its the time that I’m vibrating at the height of my creative energy. I’ll take a break mid afternoon and relax, this can be pretty much anything except work-related activities.

digital editing desk Creating and Running a Profitable Online Magazine, Part II

After a sufficient break, I’ll return to my works for the day and re-read them all in full. I’ll correct any errors in spelling and change improperly structured sentences during this time. After going through an article once I’ll read it for a third time and if everything is up to par it’s time to move onto publication.

Article Publications

Publishing is just as important as any other step in the process. This is where you finally release your creative energies openly to the world and display a final product. WordPress and Blogger offer many publication tools for rich HTML content and headers.

You should also include interesting images and sidelines to entice readers. Nobody enjoys staring at a large wall of traumatizing text and it’s much more difficult to grasp the content.

Regarding to this, it’s good to view each of these processes as a new rung in the ladder. Creative writing, editing, and publication are all necessary to draft amazing articles and grow your digital magazine.

Follow Through with Research

The learning process is never enough and it doesn’t end no matter how highly illuminated you are. There are experts in the field of web design and development who have been in practice for over 10 years who still don’t know everything there is to know.

research science Creating and Running a Profitable Online Magazine, Part II

The best possible advice is to stay humble in regards to all competition. If you are driven and passionate enough and give sufficient time for your magazine to grow and stabilize, I guarantee you will succeed. But this doesn’t mean the adventure is over,in fact its far from it. You are always on a journey to learn more so never assume you’ve mastered it all.

Subscribe to RSS feeds for similar blogs or magazines in your field. Keep up to date on the latest trends and news. Keep in touch with others in the community as well since they provide endless networking potential. In a world as connected as the one we live in you never know who you may happen to meet.

Always Have Faith

Holding unwavering faith is especially difficult in any area of life, especially magnified when starting a small business. After a few weeks of writing every day and marketing your posts things may seem lackluster and slowed. However don’t beat yourself up – this is actually a tremendous stage of growth.

Traffic will always come in waves and fluctuates up and down from week to week. Continually analyzing traffic day to day will be a laborious effort and won’t get you anywhere. This is why I recommend getting into blogging for a topic you love. The feeling of joy to write about things you like should overpower your care for how much traffic you’re getting.

Over time if you can keep up with demand you will see new subscribers and readers registering accounts. Comments should fill with interesting discussions and a small community should begin to form. As long as you can wake up and hold pride in the blog you’ve developed every day then you know you’re on the right track.

streetlights night Creating and Running a Profitable Online Magazine, Part II

If spirits seem to fade, try reading up on stories by people who have been attacked by the same mishap. Search Google for interviews with bloggers and Internet entrepreneurs to find out about their struggles. Generally they have gone through much of the same hardships and can offer helpful advice to you to bypass their mistakes and setbacks.

The true key is always continue innovating. Life is a mass of chaos and change and as humans we are able to adapt in any environment. As the Internet is developing it’s own culture we all must learn to adapt with it as well.

Keep yourself informed, well versed, and always practice your writing skills. Even if your marketing plans don’t work out well and you can’t seem to create just the right website design, you should always fall back onto well-written content. This is how magazines thrive and by utilizing these tips you’re sure to prosper in the digital center of content curation. These practices will not only ensure success in your business but in truth, all of your future life endeavors.


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